About Us
In 1984, Stephen G. Hayduk, P.E. entered private practice, drawing on his years of experience in the field of consulting engineering, as well as in the municipal sector. Originally formed as a sole proprietorship, Hayduk Engineering was soon incorporated as a professional corporation under the laws of the State of New York governing professional practice.
Over the course of the next few years, Hayduk Engineering was molded into a close-knit organization of engineers and technicians which won the respect of its clients, its colleagues in the professions, and regulatory agencies throughout Long Island and New York State, as well as in other nearby states. As a result of the reputation of the firm and of its principal, County Executive Robert Gaffney appointed Mr. Hayduk as the Commissioner of the Suffolk County Department of Public Works in March, 1992, shortly after his election to office. Of necessity, Mr. Hayduk closed the consulting firm for the next five years, during his tenure as Commissioner of this 900 employee department.
Although his position as Commissioner was professionally gratifying and rewarding, Mr. Hayduk decided to return to the private sector in 1997. For the next few years he operated Hayduk Engineering as a sole proprietorship once again, until early 2002, when he reorganized the firm as a professional limited liability company, Hayduk Engineering, LLC. Since its inception, Hayduk Engineering has been a multi-faceted firm whose diversified staff, possessing special skills and talents, work in a team approach to its assignments and projects.
Today, Hayduk Engineering effectively coordinates its’ engineering team to provide high quality, cost effective service to its clients. A closely held firm, all projects are personally managed and overseen by the principals of Hayduk Engineering, Stephen G. Hayduk, P.E. and Stephen A. Hayduk, P.E., providing the hands-on individual attention required to properly execute each assignment.