Water & Wastewater
At the forefront of innovative
design in wastewater
Having specialized in wastewater engineering for over 40 years, our technical expertise and reputation in this field is well recognized on Long Island. Hayduk Engineering has provided engineering design and construction administration for many private and public projects, including sewer collection systems, pumping stations and force mains, wastewater treatment plants of all sizes, and new and emerging innovative and alternative wastewater treatment technologies. Hayduk Engineering has designed wastewater treatment plants using many types of processes, including conventional activated sludge, extended aeration, aerated lagoons, rotating biological contactors (RBC), sequencing batch reactors (SBR), trickling filters, modified ludzack-ettinger (MLE), biologically engineered single sludge treatment (BESST), membrane biological reactors (MBR), and ecological wastewater treatment (EWT) systems. Hayduk Engineering also routinely prepares designs utilizing Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (I/A OWTS) technologies approved in Suffolk County.
We have managed many projects that require troubleshooting, forensic investigations, and studies of existing systems. Having decades of experience, our team has the hands-on knowledge and understanding of the design, installation, and operation of the various types of systems and wastewater treatment processes that exist today.
Hayduk Engineering holds the title and responsibility as Engineer of Record for several wastewater treatment plants in Suffolk County, NY. In this role, our firm is responsible for assisting Owners and their Operators in troubleshooting and resolving administrative, infrastructure, operations, and maintenance issues to ensure the continued successful operation of the treatment plant and compliance with the plant’s permit.
Hayduk Engineering also provides on-call review and inspection services to Suffolk County Department of Health Services for wastewater treatment plant design submittals prepared by other engineering consultants.

Discipline Lead: Stephen F. Cluff, P.E.
Learn MoreOur Services
- Regulatory Agency and Permitting Assistance
- Engineer of Record Services
- Sewage Flow Studies
- Feasibility Studies
- Sewer Collection System Design
- Septic Systems, Kitchen Waste, and Grease Trap Design
- Low Pressure Sewer System Design
- Pumping Station and Force Main Design
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Design
- Process Design
- Process Troubleshooting and Evaluation
- Odor Control Design
- Chemical and Fuel Storage Design and Permitting
- Emergency Power Generation Design
- Innovative and Alternative Systems Design
- System Start-Up Services
- Engineering Design Reports
- Contract Plans and Specifications
- Operation and Maintenance Manuals
- Water Supply and Distribution Systems
- Water Storage Facilities
- Water Pumping Stations
- Irrigation Systems
- RPZ/Backflow Devices