Rosemont at Brookhaven Apartments

Hayduk Engineering was the engineering consultant for the 241-acre residential development originally known as Regency Oaks (now called Rosemont at Brookhaven). The development consists of 135 buildings containing a total of 795 condominium units. Hayduk Engineering’s design responsibilities included; roadway and parking lot design, site grading, drainage system design including several innovative drainage ponds, RPZ and water distribution system design, sanitary sewer collection system, pumping station and force main connection into SCSD #7 – Medford/Twelve Pines, and off-site replacement of pumping station #5 within the Sewer District.

As a condition of the connection into SCSD #7, Hayduk Engineering performed a hydraulic analysis of the sewer collection and conveyance system downstream of the proposed Regency Oaks development within the Sewer District to determine its adequacy and capability to convey the additional flow from the proposed development. As a result of the analysis, HE determined that it was necessary to replace an existing “temporary” pumping station (#5T) within the Sewer District to accommodate the additional flow into the system. The constructed sewer collection system for the Rosemont at Brookhaven development consists of approximately 17,500 LF of 8” and 10” diameter PVC gravity sewers and 109 manholes and cleanouts. The on-site pumping station has a pumping capacity of 500 gpm with a 1,120 LF force main connecting to the District. The off-site replacement of SCSD #7 Pump Station #5 has a pumping capacity of 600 gpm.

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